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                OUR ADVANTAGE

                PRODUCT CENTER

                • Graphite nylon gasket

                • PTFE gasket

                • White nylon gasket

                • PEEK

                ABOUT US

                Wenzhou Longwang Electronic Plastic Co., Ltd.

                Wenzhou Longwang Electronic Plastic Co., Ltd. is located in the light industrial park of Longwan District, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province. It has been established for more than 20 years and has been specialized in the processing of micro-motor parts and precision stamping parts.
                the successful development of graphite nylon sheet, molybdenum nylon sheet, PEEK sheet, PA6 nylon sheet, PA66 nylon sheet filled the domestic blank, thickness from 0.13 mm to 2.0 mm, width according to customer needs for slitting....


                ENTERPRISE HONOR

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                NEWS CENTER

                • 01 Development and Prospect of Ceramic Bearings and Ceramic Bearings

                  According to the material points: ceramic bearings can be divided into zirconia ceramic bearings, silicon nitride ceramic bearings, ceramic composite bearings.

                • 02 温州市隆旺电子塑胶有限公司网站上线!

                  温州市隆旺电子塑胶有限公司 位于浙江省温州市】龙湾区轻工业园区,建厂20多年来,一直专研于¤微型电机配件√、精密冲〗压件加工。

                • 03 Ceramic valves have excellent performance

                  At present, Chinas various industries commonly used in the production of valves for the metal valve, the use of metal valves have been a hundred years of history, during which although the structure and materials through the improvement, but by the metal material conditions, more and more unable to adapt High wear, strong corrosion and other harsh conditions